NOW we get summer weather!
Who would have thought that a heat warning would be issued in Southern Ontario on the first day of fall?! Especially after the wet summer we had! Yet here it is. Expected to reach temperatures in the 40’s with humidity this coming weekend.

First Day of Fall 2017
You will want to keep cool and hydrated the next couple of days. Enjoy the beach or your swimming pools like you never really could this summer. For those of you relying on well water, you might want to take it easy on filling pools since we haven’t really had much rain in a while. (Although I think you might be okay considering the record amount of rainfall we experienced this summer!)
So, not our usual fall advice… like turning off your outside taps, putting away garden hoses, shortening your sump pump discharge lines, servicing your septic, cleaning out eavestrough and so on. We’ll save that for later. For now, enjoy every sunny moment.